Thursday, July 7, 2011

Two Skater Chics and One Skater Dude

On Tuesday, Merrick asked me if he could get some more Legos at the store.  I reminded him about the Target gift card he received from Aunt Dawnie, Uncle Kenny and Aunt Lynn before we left.  Since I have been wanting to take the kids to Target to spend their gift cards anyway, we did just that.  The kids had a ton of fun looking at all there was to see at the store.  This was a lengthy process if you were wondering :)

After looking for about an hour and a half I remembered that they have been wanting skateboards.  The kids were soooo excited to see if they had any skateboards there, and they were thrilled to find a few boards that were very close to their budget. 

I don't think I have ever witnessed my kids this excited about any activity!  We played around a little on the boards that night, and of course had dreams of skateboards dancing in their heads as they slept that night.  Yesterday, they all did so great once we got all geared up and finally made it to the skate park.  Kierce was so proud of herself after a few minutes when she was able to push, balance and ride!

On the other hand, Rowan had a little more experience on a skateboard from playing around on one at her friend Kaylin's house.  Her brother had taught her how to do a 360 and some other tricks which helped her to get comfortable on the board.  She had fun working on getting even more familiar with the skateboard and learning how to turn the board with her balance.  She cannot wait to go skateboarding again...I think she could skate all day!  They all could for that matter!

Merrick was very frustrated after realizing that he wasn't just going to jump right into all of the fun tricks he has observed.  He did finally perk up after checking out the guys at the main trick area of the skate park.  The girls and I were reminding him that he is only 3 and he has plenty of time to learn how to skateboard.  

The kids really enjoyed the downtime we spent watching the guys perform tricks and jumps in front of our eyes.  I'm pretty sure each one of the kids talked about eventually wanting to be in the gated area someday doing some of the fancy skateboarding.  

In this video, Merrick has finally perked up and is talking about what he wants to do someday with his skateboard.  I just love hearing the self confidence this kid owns!

Kierce and Merrick thought it would be nice to relax for a minute by the San Diego River, while Rowan practiced riding.  You'll be happy to know that Merrick did push, balance and ride for a short bit just before we left yesterday.  I am so proud of all of the kids and how well they did trying out something so new and foreign.  We sure are enjoying this business of learning new activities and also learning all about our new environment!   

A  BIG, HUGE thank you goes out to Aunt Lynn, Aunt Dawnie and Uncle Kenny for the Target gift cards!  The kids felt so good about spending the cards in this unique way!  They love you tons and tons!

We love and miss all of our family and friends more than all of our arms can stretch!  Hoping that these blogs are helping you to feel closer to us in some way ;)

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