Tuesday, July 31, 2012

April Synopsis

Since I started working, I have been crunched for blogging time.  But have no fear, I will be catching up in monthly posts, and hopefully (fingers crossed) will stay caught up.  No promises though :-)

Ryan and I had a blast with the kids at the Ocean Beach Easter Egg Hunt.  The kids had a fun scrambling to pick up eggs, especially searching for the gold or silver eggs to win a large Easter basket!  

Easter Morning
Mama bunny forgot that the Easter baskets hadn't made it into the Penske truck until after work on Easter Eve, so mama bunny ran to Rite Aid after work to grab some baskets, and of course by the time I, I mean mama bunny, got home the kids were in bed and had made their own make-shift baskets using tupperware and other household items for decorative purposes!  I was so proud of the kids for getting creative, and being eco-friendly at that!  

Easter at Merrick's School

Rowan and Kierce volunteering their time at Merrick's school helping us prepare the letter "V" craft in the art room!

Merrick showing off his Easter basket to Rowan or Kierce who is behind the camera for me :-)

Day at the Docks
Day at the Docks was just that, a day at the docks!  We cruised around looking at all kinds of fishing vendors and other nautical themed artwork.  

We took our first boat ride as a family since moving to San Diego!

Free Fishing for Kids
Another perk of Day at the Docks was the free fishing they offered the kids!  They allowed each child to catch a fish and throw it back of course.  Check out Rowan's reaction to her fish!


Since I was going to have to miss Rowan's evening hip hop dance performance due to work, I decided to visit her during a practice run at school earlier that week!  Merrick and I had a blast watching Rowan get her groove on!  

Rowan's performance was at a held at a "Red Carpet" night at the girl's school.  Rowan brought clothes to change into after her performance, and thankfully Dad (a) remembered the camera and (b) remembered to take a couple pictures :-)

...and of course Merrick by his idol


Merrick's Seaworld Class Field Trip
Merrick and I had a great time at his class field trip to Seaworld!  We looked at sharks, watched a couple different shows and even got to ride some fun rides!

...at the pet show

...and Merrick hugging his friend Cali before going in to Seaworld, or being hugged I should say!  She is a lover!