Sunday, December 4, 2016

We Made It - North

Before jumping into this blog post, I would like to recognize the many, many months of missing stories from our blog...eeeeek!  But then I remind myself - these stories may be missing from our blog, but they will always be marked on our hearts.  It would be incredible if all of the blanks could  be magically filled in, but for now I will be grateful for ALL precious moments, and the thirst to write.

The time is now... 

(Photo Credit - Kierce)

About three months ago, we signed very important papers and walked into our new forever home, located in the absolutely gorgeous northern Michigan.  When we finally found this home back in June, five words played on repeat in my head - dreams really do come true, dream REALLY DO, come true.  I still have to pinch myself occasionally to be sure all of this is real.  We have adventured far and wide as a family, learning and growing together, ultimately equipping us to land here.  Thankfully, we are more than ready to grow stable roots.  It feels amazing every time one of the kids thanks us for choosing to live here.  This decision to move to northern Michigan has been confirmed over and over again.  We are all so grateful to call this home.

Most of my days, nights and everything in between over the last three months have been spent working on our home's interior.  I've had my hands on most tools...anything from a caulk or screw gun to a hammer or paint roller, and have accepted any and all help offered with much gratitude from my crew.  This place is really coming together and beginning to feel increasingly cozy, as we prepare for the upcoming winter months.  Mid November, we experienced a week filled with gorgeous 70 degree days, backed straight up to our first icy cold snow day.  We quickly learned that we bought a sledding hill along with this house!

From the moment we moved here, the kids began diving into all kinds of activities.  If I wasn't working on the house, I was driving the kids miles and miles to athletic practices, orchestra, theatre rehearsal, robotics and more.  Rowan and Kierce had a blast playing volleyball with a wonderful group of girls, and Merrick found his favorite sport - soccer!

Here is a look at a few of the other things we have been up to.

Kierce thoroughly enjoyed playing Chrissy (a misunderstood mean girl) in the quite moving play Anne Frank and Me.  This play was really exceptional.  It was teaching to the audience, while also eloquently sparking emotion from within.  Her character appeared in the 1990's...

...and in the 1940's

Kierce is thrilled to have found her theatre family so quickly, and experience one of her deepest passions confirmed once again.  Toward the end of this show she encountered a pretty special moment.  While up on stage, she was reminded why she began acting in the first place.  Moments like those...priceless. 

A couple traditional poses.

We always have fun after her show.

For Thanksgiving we decided to thoroughly break in our house, by inviting an extra 14 people to live here over the holiday weekend, which equals a whopping 19 people in all!  It was a dream come true to hear this place filled with laughter and gleeful activity.  It was such a great time...a time to remember.  Just imagine nineteen super adorable people cuddled together watching the UofM vs. OSU game.  We even had a mix of fans, and everyone did their best to stay kind.  Even though I have zero photographic images of that moment, the sight is quite clear and will be eternally tattooed on my brain.  We ended the weekend with a gratitude circle.  I think a new and welcomed tradition may have been born.  

This week, Rowan played her very first basketball game!!!!  Yes, Ryan and I were more than excited... the excitement cannot and will not be denied! ...confessions of two basketball players...tehe

On a serious note, Ryan and I are incredibly proud of her extreme efforts and willingness to learn yet another new skill.  Rowan goes after all of her dreams, even dreams we didn't see coming!

She ended her first game with several rebounds, 6 points and a super big smile!

I was really excited to discover an annual activity held at one of the high schools in Traverse City - Super Science Saturday or Merrick's Dream Come True.  Or, shall I say, the Merricks's dream come true.  Merrick's neighbor and friend and fellow scientist named Merrick, loved coming along to enjoy this fun day.  Both Merricks were able to drive several robots, and even help the biggest robot make a basket by shooting a ball.

I don't know who had more fun, Ryan or the Merricks!  This science day was packed full of all of their favorite things to do and experience, including airplane making and electronic demolition!

Merrick was over the top, totally in heaven talking electronics with these "robotics" guys.  It was a pretty neat moment to witness.  He really enjoyed an intro to robotics class he took this fall, and after today my hunch was seriously confirmed, Merrick is NO DOUBT, serious robotics bound.  

Note - this string of lemons created almost 13 volts of electricity

Second Note - many, many more adventures to come

Third Note - We love you

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