Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Julie, Lexi, Candi, Carter and Loads of Excitement

Our friends from Northern Ohio, decided to make a dream come true by visiting us in San Diego!  Once Julie found out we were moving, she acted quickly to plan a trip with Candi.  Julie, and her daughter Lexi, and Candi and her son Carter, flew in exactly two weeks before we moved.

We had so much fun, seriously more excitement and activity than I have ever experienced in four days!  We had a big list of fun to hit while they were in town, and we definitely accomplished our mission. 

The gang flew into town during the wee hours Friday, Halloween morning, which was also Candi's birthday.  After catching a few zzz's, we whisked the kids off on an adventure to Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park.

Rowan had an absolute hay day rebounding!  The moment she realized we would be gaining a yard in Michigan, she tried to convince us to purchase a rectangular trampoline, top of the line of course!  Rowan is continually doing research on so many topics, and has so many interests.  She naturally makes everyday a learning adventure.

Carter kept us on edge with his talented flipping, and all of the kids had a great time running, jumping and even playing some dodge ball.  It was an intense workout!

Later that day, we hustled home to get dressed up in unique, on the spot inspired, Halloween costumes for some more fun.  The excitement began with a visit to People's Food Coop's, annual Halloween party.  We delighted in snacks, a goody bag filled with natural treats for the kids and live music.  The greatest gift was being able to share with our friends, one of our very favorite in OB. 

After leaving People's we were running late for the trick or treat party at my friend Daniel's house, so most people would think I was crazy for wanting to drive the crew on a quick tour of downtown OB.  But, I got the inspiration and we were off.  I had zero regrets, when I pulled into the parking lot by the lifeguard tower to find the most gorgeous, neon and fuchsia tinged sunset, I had ever seen.  I quickly parked, and dashed over the sand wall with camera in hand to capture this exquisite, once in a lifetime moment.   

With the girls on both sides of Lexi, I just had to snap a picture before bolting to our second Halloween party.

Daniel (left), welcomed us with open arms to her yearly festive pre-trick or treat gathering.  It was wonderful to be able to introduce Candi (middle) and Julie (right), to our life in OB.  The kids snacked on pizza and hung out before we all decided to do some trick or treating.

Dressed as a candy land cutie, and gem loving gypsi, we were ready for some trick or treat style, kiddie wrangling.

After at least an hour of trick or treating, we heard the third party of the night calling our names.

This gathering was at our friend Rudy's house, filled with firecrackers, scary costumes, thoughts of fun games we had planned, lots of laughs and especially a celebration of Candi's life!

Saturday morning, we had big plans to celebrate Rowan and Merrick's birthdays with a day at the beach!  Being that we were there the entire day, Rowan soaked in all of the fun, and as much time as possible with her loving cousin Enzo, friends and family.

We had so many visitors stop by throughout the day.  Knowing we would be driving off in only a few short weeks, each moment was utterly precious.  My friend Corrie and her family were such a pleasant surprise.

Candi and her son Carter enjoyed a snippet of time stilled upon the sand wall, while party life flourished on the beach behind.

If there is one picture which captures the essence of my niece perfectly, this would be it.  Life is always a party and she is the one making it so!  My friend Letty and Eva definitely did some bonding that special day.

Merrick was not only showered with precious gifts in physical form that day, but mostly blessed with the gift of time...time spent relating with people of all ages he holds dear.

This photo might seem a little silly, but I am sharing it mostly because I want to remember this moment.  Someday when I am browsing through this sort of online journal I call the Merricks Adventure, I will get to relish in this time spent with dearest Letty and Eva.  This was a time of pretend play, filled with youthful joy, wonder, love, compassion and mostly fun!  BTW, I am pretty sure I was a kitty.

The sunset grabbed our attention, before Ryan shared a few words.  He took the time to thank everyone for sharing in this beautiful birthday celebration, and offered reverence for our cherished time living in Ocean Beach. 

Our friend Ed, captured with another divine Ocean Beach sunset.

The fire was stoked, and sounds of laughter and fun were all around.

A man moment, with a few good friends, my brother and Steve, our landlord and boss at the property we lived at, and managed.  We were so blessed by all of the visitors who stopped by that evening.

A little goofy to top off an amazing day!

Sunday morning, we were super excited to take our guests on a beautiful and loving journey.  It all started with a visit to Dance Church, in Encinitas; a place of unconditional love, acceptance, freedom and a lot of fun!  Julie experienced this vibe naturally exude from my friend Jeff <3

Next, we delighted in a famous and quite magical Sunday at Swami's.

Our friend Edgar set up his slack lines at the park, right after dance... 

...allowing everyone in on some balancing fun.

Thanks Carter, this symbol represents the entire vibe at Swami', love and more love.

Our friends Carol and Katalin from OB, stopped by to share in the fun too.

What would a visit to Swami's be, without a walk down to the beach?

A line of love, soaking in the last few rays of the day.

...this is community <3 for the sushi roll.  The line of people rolled up, like a sushi roll into one big giant hug!

This is one of the most fun and connecting experiences.

The girls and I spent a little time playing and inverting, before heading to our last stop. 


On Monday we set out to fill up their last full day with lots of memories, by taking them to several of our favorite places.  The cove, located right by where we initially moved to in OB, was a great place to start.

Hello over there!

Beautiful girls <3

We reveled in some exploring, before moving south along the cliffs.

Next, we journeyed to Sunset Cliffs, overlooking our favorite beach below, Garbage Beach. 

Although, I have named this place, heaven on earth. 

...even found an angel named Lexi <3

Gazing and suspension of time is bound to occur at the Cliffs.

Onward, we journeyed to Cabrillo National Monument.

We stopped at one of my favorite places, Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, on the way to our next destination.

Torrey Pines

This place will never get old; the view is always breathtaking.

We enjoyed a snack and watched the hang gliders take off and land.

We kept the day going in full swing, as we enjoyed one more amazing destination, the seals and sunset at La Jolla Cove!

The water looked so beautifully surreal.

This appeared to be a great day to visit the seals.

Hello to you,,

...and both of you :-)

The kids enjoyed a little beach play after sunset, on the last night of their visit.


Before dinner, Candi was ready to let Carter get his ears professionally pierced.

He was both excited and nervous, all at the same time.

Next, Candi insisted on treating us to dinner at a local and authentic Mexican restaurant.  Dinner was great and it was exciting to chat about all of the fun adventures we had experienced over the last four days.  

Tuesday morning we awoke and packed up our car with their bags, ready to head to the airport.  We took the long way to the airport, driving around Coronado Island.

We were certainly satisfied with this visit, which was longtime coming, considering it had been a year and a half since we had last met.  After guests leave, we are usually really sad for several days, having no idea when we will see them again.  However, this was a unique situation, being that we would be hopping into our moving truck and driving toward them in less than two weeks from that point.

After writing this blog, I realize this visit from my friends helped give me the courage I needed to drive away from our life in OB and toward a new life adventure.  Life is full of change, guaranteed.  I thank God for that <3 

The fun has continued, just in a different territory, a much cooler territory with different things to explore, and nationwide relationships to cherish :-)  

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