Well, a little late but not a dollar short. Kierce lost her first tooth this week! After lots of pulling, pushing, prying and one final pop, Kierce's first tooth came out! And yes, it did make a popping noise when it came out!
Earlier this week when she strolled into the dining room to show me how loose her tooth was, I grabbed a hold of her tooth and just gave it a yank, and out it popped! Yes, I know it might sound a little cruel, but after days of her wishing and hoping for a tooth in hand (at this point extremely desperate for the tooth fairy to finally visit her) I felt I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands or fingers, literally! Oh to see the joy consume her, to finally have that tooth out of her mouth! She placed it in a baggie, and under her pillow almost immediately. Kierce felt lucky that instead of four quarters to make a dollar, she received five quarters from the glorious tooth fairy!
Now we'll just sit back and wait for Merrick to loose his first tooth! I know the time will be here before we know it! Of course Rowan is best buds with the tooth fairy, and had much fun coaching Kierce through this process ;)
I don't know which is bigger....her eyes or the hole the missing tooth made!