Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rowan and her Irish Football

Well, once Rowan finally came onto the field this past Sunday, she did great!  Rowan was a little (to say the least) apprehensive about playing a scrimmage against the older kids.  Soooo, we worked out a little compromise; she played with the younger kids.  She is right at the cut off age, and could go either way.  Of course because she looks much older, the Irish fathers/coaches were all pushing her toward playing with the older kids.    

A little daddy daughter time :)

...Auntie Abs came to watch too ;)

Rowan found the right position for her, where the ball comes right to her.

Later that day Ryan had me "cookie him" and we found it humorous that I was all excited about my sprouts at the same time, so we photographed the irony of the situation ;)  What do you think Merrick's hand is waiting to do???

Lastly, I thought I would share a cute picture of Rowan serving me up a piece of fruit pizza.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kierce's Review on Rite Aid

Today Kierce's entire grade gathered in the auditorium to share reviews for different stores, restaurants, video games and other places and products.  Two students from each class shared their review with the room full of students, teachers and parents.  

After the students shared, the kids were able to find their parents to share their detailed review with us.  I happened to catch Kierce's review on video so you can check it out too!  

After she read to us her nice and elaborate review, Kierce showed me the poster she created which included some of the information from the review of Rite Aid.  To finish the event, the kids each had a chance to win a gift card, and to ultimately turn right around and be the consumer!  Kierce says go to Rite Aid!  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Merrick's Talent Show and Crazy Fun Fly Swatting!

Game face...

So Merrick decided just minutes before walking out the door to go to his preschool Family Night Talent Show that he did in fact wish to participate.  Up until that point, he frowned at the idea of doing a performance, surprisingly if you know the kid at all!  So Rowan, Kierce and I got him dressed and ready to sing and dance to Justin Bieber's, Never Say Never.

We were all pretty excited at how well he was able to wing this dance with no practice at all.  The kid seems to be fearless.

All smiles after :)

One of the most cool, fun, hilarious and active art preschool art projects ever!  I just had to end with a laugh!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wet and Chilly Willy St. Patty's Day Weekend

Merrick loves helping me peel potatoes in the kitchen!

Boy St. Patty sure chose a rainy day to celebrate this year!  Rowan's Gaelic football (Irish football) team walked in the San Diego St. Patrick's Day Parade this past Saturday.    

Rowan was a trooper!  ...well actually, I can say the same about every family member :)

Check out the palm trees in the background, it was windy!  They hustled through the practice/scrimage that was held directly after the parade, rain, wind, mud and all!

Somehow we still had smiles on our faces, even being completely drenched head to toe!

OK, now we were really ready to get home!!!  I had to get ready and rush off to work, but Ryan and the kids really enjoyed chilling, or actually, warming up together for the evening.

On Sunday, we drove to pick up our good family friend Abigail before heading to church.  The kids were more than thrilled to have the privilege of holding a little bunny rabbit at church!

A pet adoption agency brings in small pets which are up for adoption.  The kids definitely enjoyed the time spent with this little guy.  Next week they are bringing in their giant mascot bunny Wilber, who is absolutely adorable!!!

The Matsiko Children's Choir blessed us with an amazing concert after church service.  All of the choir members are orphans from either Peru or Liberia, who have lead very rough lives.  It was such a neat experience to appreciate God's love shining through them..  They were such gracious children.  I was helping in the kitchen during the luncheon after service and each and every one of the children came into the kitchen to say thank you and give a hug.  What loving little sweethearts!  

Here is one of the little gems shaking Merrick's hand during the closing song.  Ultimately this children's choir was raising money for the Children's Network, who allows anyone to sponser a child so they may go to school or eat regular meals, etc.

After the church festivities were over, we called up the Nevins family to see what they were up to.  As soon as we got the green light to come on over, I think we were already half way there ;)

It had been a while since we had seen them, so it was really nice to just sit and chat about everyday life!  This weekend ended up being wonderfully exciting and enriching.  We are so very blessed everyday of our lives!  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Suess

Last Wednesday was an important day for Kierce and just so happened to be the first day of my new job as well.  Kierce practiced for more than a month to prepare for the role of turtle #8.  In fact she had the entire play memorized at least two weeks before show day!  In the car one day, she began rattling the play off starting from the beginning, which pretty much blew us all away!

Kierce all smiles with a couple of her classmates after the show.

She had a show during the day, and one at night.  A good friend Julie covered for me at Merrick's school which allowed me to visit her at school that morning after her day performance.  Since I began my new job that afternoon, Ryan and the kids thoroughly enjoyed the evening show.

...and someone took a silly picture after the evening show that I'll share with you to close!  We're glad you had fun Kierce!

The Kids Getting their Sport on

Since we had a less eventful weekend, I will blog about the week and weekend prior.

Rowan was offered an amazing opportunity to participate in a Women and Girls National Sports Day, for girls 4th- 8th grade.  Here she is with her Dad just before meeting up with her phys. ed. teacher to go for the day the Saturday before last.

After dropping off Rowan, we all got ready as a family to take Merrick to his very first t-ball practice!  

Kierce and I played cards while watching Merrick and Dad play some ball!  Merrick was not looking forward to going to t-ball, but was so happy he decided to go when the practice came to a close.

After t-ball, we all went to the annual Ocean Beach Kite Festival for a little while before Kierce wanted to leave and let our mommy/daughter date begin!  We had a blast and ended our date at the beach to watch some huge kites fly in the sky!

Daddy and Merrick ended their date at the beach too with some kick ball!

Kierce and I couldn't get enough of our sport- cards!

Before we knew it, the time had come to pick Rowan up from her long day of sports.  She was able to try out all kinds of sports; soccer, karate, hip hop and more.  Her friend Seven went as well, and ended up staying to night.

On Sunday, Rowan, Seven and their friend Aideen played Gaelic football, an Irish sport similar to rugby.  Saturday, Aideen's Mom was kind enough to tell me about this free opportunity for kids of all ages.  They had an absolute blast and are looking forward to marching in the St. Patty's Day Parade this next weekend. 

When signing up Merrick for t-ball, I had the option to sign him up for basketball on Thursday afternoons as well.  Merrick was not looking forward to doing basketball at all this beautiful afternoon, he was certainly all smiles after it was over!  He had so much fun, and can't wait to do it again this Thursday!  This is beginning of many years of sports and activities of all kinds, and we are happy about that!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

SUPer FuN TriP tO MIchIGaN - Lots of Pictures

Check out our YouTube page to watch fun videos from the trip!

The kids and I woke up bright and early to travel to Michigan ahead of Ryan, who flew in several days later.  Ryan was kind enough to be our early morning chauffeur.

Kierce scored the "use" of an ipad on one of the flights.  She was ecstatic since she was trying to ask Santa for one this past year.  What a joyful reunion when my mom picked us up from the airport and drove us straight to a party to celebrate my Grandma Long's 93rd Birthday!  It was so wonderful to reunite with lots of family; my parents, brother, sister, nieces, nephews, Michelle (Grandma's caretaker, uncle, aunt, cousins, etc.

On Thursday, the girls were blessed with a warm welcome from Jackman Jags, the school they both attended since kindergarten.  Rowan went to class with her BFF Kaylin and Kierce went with her BFF Thalia.  They had a blast and topped their half day off with some play on the playground.  It brought tears to my eyes to see all of the love brought together :)  While the girls were at school, Merrick and I got to spend special time with my mom!

After picking the girls up from school, my Mom, the kids and I met a couple of my BFF's for lunch, Julie and Marci.  It was soooo good to finally get a hug from them.  Even though it had been several months since I had seen them, it felt like no time had passed.

We ate at an Irish pub for lunch, and I had to highlight that the girls both picked an Irish breakfast for their lunch.

Amongst all of the running around that day, it was great to spend it with my mother.  

In the afternoon we all got a little play time in with Sam, my friend Marci's daughter.  The kids loved playing just like old times.

That evening my mom and I enjoyed a dinner with a group of my friends, most of which I met through (Mops) Mothers of Preschoolers.

On Friday morning Merrick, Kierce and I headed to Temperance to make a quick visit with my friend Billie Jo and one of her sons Bryce.  The kids had fun playing in their giant basment/playroom.  It was so good to get a little intimate time with them!  Later, we dropped into my old gym to see some old friends, then met a couple of them for lunch.

That evening, while the kids spent quality time with my father, my mom and I met many, many of my friends at El Camino Real, just like old times.  Most of these friends I met at the gym and they have become very dear friends.

On Saturday, the kids and I got our motors going in the morning to go to my mom's choirs craft show.  My friend Julie met us there with all three kids including her new baby Izzie.  The kids actually sold American Girl blanket and pillows and a couple other items at this craft show last year, so it was fun to visit it again this year.  Rowan's best friend Kaylin, her mother and grandmother all met up with us as well.  It was a very fun day! 

That evening we had a little "game" party at my parents house.  A lot of family and friends were invited including my cousin Lori and her partner Steph who live here in San Diego.  We are blessed with being able to see them quite often here in SD.  Also, some of my friends came to hang out as well.  

On Sunday morning we visited our old church Northpoint.  It was great to spend time with my sister Kelly, brother Chris, nieces and nephews.  It was also great to see old friends and watch my brother Chris play the drums as well!  After that my parents, the kids and I headed out to my Aunt Susan and Uncle Bruce's house to meet for a quaint dinner before picking up Ryan from the airport.  We thoroughly enjoyed a fabulous meal with great company!  

After the kids and I picked up Ryan from the airport with welcome arms, we went straight to a gathering at Aunt Dawnie's house.  Look at this scrumptious s'more pizza, a favorite pizza for the evening.  It was one of four dessert pizza's and dinner was a made to order pizza with the option of gluten free!  ...yummo!  

What a way to welcome Ryan to Michigan!  We had a fabulous time with Ryan's Aunt Lynn, Aunt Dawnie, Uncle Kenny, his Dad and Grammy Kathy.  It was a nice small gathering filled with love, and much to be grateful for ;)

Later that evening we packed up and drove over to Ryan's mother, Colleen's house to stay for three nights.  The kids were blessed from their grandma with a valentine tree with fun gifts since we weren't in town for Christmas.  It took us all by surprise, what a creative idea!  

Monday during the day Ryan helped his mom pick out a blu ray player.  At night Colleen surprised us with a visit to a giant bounce house, with a ton of bounce house's all lined up in one huge room.  The kids had A LOT of fun!

On the way home, Ryan decided to bring home one of his all time favorite pizza's.  Merrick impressively was able to carry this giant box and according to Ryan the pizza was just as yummy as ever!

On Tuesday Colleen really surprised us with a trip to the world famous Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.  This place was filled with all kinds of video games (new and some very old), flying airplanes, and mirrors like the one above!

Here we are on a carousel.  What a fun day (a BIG) thanks to my creative mother-in-law!  

On Wednesday we drove down to Dundee's famous Splash Universe water park.  We were blessed with a fun day of splashing and spending quality time with Ryan's Dad and Grammy Kathy.  Rowan was checking her Grandpa's face to be sure he was at least trying to smile :)  

This is Ryan and Merrick saying, "Thank you for such a fun day!"

And this is Rowan saying, "Thank you Grandma for surprising us with horseback riding lessons!"

...and Kierce too

...and Merrick as well!  On Thursday the kids were so blessed to have been surprised with this fun event which the kids have been dying to do for years now!  

That evening we met a bunch of family and friends at our trusty favorite, Pizza Primo buffet. 

This date with Aunt Lynn (which grew into a much bigger event) was one of the first dates on our trip planning calendar.  We have not been able to stop talking about Pizza Primo since our move to San Diego, so much that we have actually brainstormed opening different types of pizza shops!  Needless to say, it was a fabulous night!

On Friday evening, we ventured with my parents to Tecumseh to visit my Grandma Long, and to watch my niece Brynn perform in the Beauty and the Beast on her birthday!  It was great to see my Grandmother one last time before heading back to San Diego, she was in such good spirits.

Here are all the girls loving on Brynn after her successful performance!

After the show we headed out to Big Boy to grab a treat and celebrate Brynn's Birthday.  Ryan and I were able to sit with my brother Chris and sister-in-law Kelly to do some catching up!

On Saturday, my sweet parents threw a huge gathering for us to share a few more moments with our loved ones before heading back to San Diego.   This is a nice group shot with Ryan's family!

My cousins Rob and Cheryl were one of the many who traveled far and wide to attend this party. 

We were so blessed with many hugs from all kinds of family and friends, including Chris and Cliff.  If there were a group shot, it would have been HUGE!   

On Sunday the kids and I went to Northpoint church one more time, and thankfully Ryan insisted on staying at my parents to work on getting us ready to go.  It was so great to spend a little more time with some family and see some friends of the church as well.

After church, my Aunt Nancy made one last visit before it was time to drive to the airport.  We had a nice intimate visit, while finishing up some last minute packing.  My friend Candi surprised me with a last minute visit as well!  The kids were sure to get a lot of loving in with our dog (now my parents dog) Buddy before leaving for the airport.

A massive thanks to my parents for driving us to the airport, and showering us with hospitality while staying in their home!  A huge thank you to my mother-in-law for hosting us for three days, Aunt Dawnie and Aunt Susan each for hosting a gathering in our name.  ...and a gigantic thank you to EVERYONE whom we were able to spend time with.  There was so much love, kindness, joy and gifts spread among us.  

God planned a random meeting just before entering the plane at the airport with my BFF Sarah, who is a flight attendant.  Our flight got delayed just enough for us to connect!  Thank you God :)

...and I must close with a little note to self:  schedule an ealier return flight.

Check out our YouTube page for many funny videos from the trip!